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Visiting Our Office

It is a pleasure to serve you

We hope that you can have the most efficient and pleasant visit possible. To do that make sure you have the following items available before you arrive.

Photo ID

There is so much technology in this world today. Though it opens up the world at our fingertips, it also makes identity theft more probable and costly. Before you arrive for your healthcare visit, please make sure you arrive with some sort of official/ verifiable photo identification; especially if you are over 18 years old. If you are a new patient without photo ID, we will be glad to reschedule you until you are more prepared for your visit. We accept valid and unexpired driver's licenses, work badges, school ID, passports, etc.

Insurance Card

Make sure you have your insurance card and/or your verifiable policy information prior to making your appointment. When arriving for your appointment, please have your insurance card with you, as it will make your visit much smoother.

Method of Payment

We accept payment at check in at the time services are rendered. We accept all major credit cards, HRA/HSA cards, cash, check, and money orders. Please make sure that you come prepared with some method of payment. If you are unable to make arrangements to pay for your visit at the time of service, call us ahead of time and we will reschedule you for when you are more prepared.

Current Medication(s)

When you come for any visit, make sure you have your current medications with you. Please bring empty prescription bottles and/or a written list of what you're taking including non-prescribed herbal supplements and vitamins. Should you need to be prescribed something from our providers, foreknowledge of your current medications will make medication reactions less likely.

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